Rusty’s Chips for Easy Snacks To take to Your Next Outing

Rusty's Chips

Rusty’s Chips for Easy Snacks To take to the Outing When you go to the your next outing  and you are trying to keep the amount of stuff you carry to a minimum, Rusty’s chips are the perfect solution.  The Island super crispy chips are always crispy and you will enjoy them the entire day.  […]

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About the Quality Expeller Pressed Oil used to Cook Rusty’s Potato Chips

Rusty's Sea Salt Potato Chips

About the Quality Expeller Pressed Oil used to Cook Rusty’s Potato Chips Rusty’s Potato Chips are cooked with expeller pressed oil for better health and extremely crunchy potato chips because expeller pressed oils are pressed at a lower temperature, they retain their unrefined healthy antioxidants that would otherwise be destroyed when using high-heat methods. Antioxidants […]

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